Staff and Leadership - Being updated

We believe that both men and women are equally valued by God and should be by each other. God gives gifts to both men and women as He builds His church. (1 Cor 12 v 27)
The Spiritual Leadership of HCC lies primarily with Elders, men whose character echoes that of 1 Tim 3 v 1-7 and Titus 1 v 6-9.
The church also appoints women and men whose gifting by God fits the needs of the church as it seeks to reach the community with the gospel. This covers 6 aspects of church life:
Preaching & Teaching
Pastoral Care
It is the desire of this church to make sure that all the wide-ranging gifts God gives to His church are used to the maximum effect to honour Christ and achieve His purposes in Market Harborough and beyond.
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Harborough Community Church
Phone: 01858 434906