Mission and Vision


We are a church that is passionate about seeing Jesus Christ transform lives! Our vision is to enable this to happen in every area of church life.

Those who come to faith in Jesus Christ will know for themselves what the tranformational work Jesus does through the Holy Spirit and will long for the same life-transforming experience for others. That is just where we are at. We long for people to come to know Jesus for themselves and discover how he is able to help us all to live life to the full. Have you started that journey? We strongly believe that each and every person is on a journey in life and, as a group of Christian believers, we journey together to reach the place that God intends us to be.

We are unashamedly a church that is driven and motivated by the Word of God. The most authentic sign of the church must be that it is ‘going’ and not standing still.
We believe this involves going into our homes, community and workplaces, living as those who have been redeemed by God through the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. And it is this relationship with God, this new life through Jesus, that encourages us to go and demonstrate to others God’s great love for them.
As we go, we see the active work of God’s Holy Spirit transforming lives and shaping God’s people to be more like Jesus. This produces growth within the individual and also in those committed to God’s church. Therefore as we go, church grows!
Our passion is to see more and more people come into a loving relationship with God and to see the freedom and fulfilment that comes through making Jesus Christ central in our lives.

Our Values

hcc values
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Harborough Community Church
Email: officehcc121@gmail.com
Phone: 01858 434906